Computer Science 1

This is my webpage for GITA. We
are studying C#. Its my second year of computer
science. It challenging to learn but its what I
call hard fun.

About Page


In this project we learn how to use buttons to make images apear, using the \true and false command.

Mail label


In this project we learned how to take users input and put it into a sentence for the total result.

Car Rental


In this project we learn how to store user's inputs and use addition subtraction multiplication and division.



In this project we learned how to take user inputs and give the users a diet plan based on their inputs.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project we learned how to use radiobuttons with if then statments.

Triangle Checker


In this project we learned how to check if the triangle was a triangle with many different formulas.

Craps Game


In this project we learned how to play the craps game, and we used all the rules and turned it into formulas.

Taco Shop


In this project, we learned how to keep track of a subtotal for muliple items purchased and keeping track of total sales, total customers and average sale.

Slot Machine


In this project we made a slot machine with a grand prize, deposit, and betting.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


In this project we made a more complicated rock paper scissor two player game.

Incremental Game


This project we made a cookie clicker with upgrades to play the game faster.

Fish Tank


This project we made a fish tank using arrays for the first time. We learn what and how to use an array and and array is like a better version of a variable.

Board Game


This project we kept using arrays in more advanced ways such as adding tags. Tags marks the array using for loop as a certain name to do a certain function.

2D Submarines


This project we got introduce to 2D arrays, which is similar to arrays but 2D arrays uses forloops and uses coordinate points.



This project we use what we learn from the previous 2 projects and used arrays to create Tic Tac Toe.

Basic Ai


This project we learn how to create Ai using anamation. The anamation moves the Ai and whatever else is anamated.

Basic Ai Upgrade


This project we learn how to create Ai using anamation. The anamation moves the Ai and whatever else is anamated. In addition for this project the user can shoot.

Fishing Simulater


This project is the summary of Ai, array, and in addition using for loops and for each loops. Fishing simulater's goal is to get the most points as possibaly as you can catching fish.

Math Menu


This project is basically a caculater for addition, subtraction, even, odds, prime, fibbonochi, and sublamtion.

Chaos Tanks


This is my Final Project Chaos Tanks. Chaos Tanks is a 1v1 game against an Ai. You have multiple ways to shoot the bullet such as low, medium, and high gravity.